Glenn Taylor Wants Orange Park To Remain A Pleasant Place To Live
Taylor Is Running Unopposed For Town Council Seat 3
2024 will be a busy election year. The first meaningful election for Clay County will be held on April 9th, when municipal races for Keystone Heights and Orange Park will be decided. Four seats are up for grabs between the two locales.
The Town of Orange Park has two council seats on the ballot. Long-time Orange Park resident Glenn Taylor runs unopposed for Orange Park Town Council Seat 3. Glenn moved to the town in 1977 and raised his sons there. His sons are now juniors at the University of Florida, and Taylor believes he has the time to give back to the community that has been very good to his family.
In a recent interview with Clay News & Views, Taylor outlined his priorities as a soon-to-be-elected town council member. First, he will support the town’s police and fire departments, which are integral to keeping the town a safe and pleasant community.
He will also seek state funding to help the town improve its sewage and drainage infrastructure, as parts of the town are prone to flooding.
Additionally, Taylor will seek input from the town's residents about their issues and concerns.
One of the more prominent issues facing Orange Park is its red light cameras. Taylor believes the current implementation is sufficient and would not support adding more or removing the cameras altogether.
Ultimately, Taylor believes the Town of Orange Park provides value to the residents above what the county would provide if the area were unincorporated. He will use his tenure as a council member to ensure the town remains a good place to live.
Sounds good to me except the part about red light cameras. They suck. First of all it was admitted sometime ago in the council that the primary reason for the cameras is REVENUE--not safety. Its well established that number of accidents go UP at intersections where red light cameras are installed. Oh, they say, that is true, but the kinds of accidents that go up in number are rear end collisions that are usually less severe and cause fewer and lesser injuries than T bone collisons which are the primary types of accidents they claim to be trying to prevent with the cameras. HUH? Seems to me we should use tactics that reduce all kinds of accidents and certainly not use ones that increase any kind of accidents. Why would we want more accidents???? Then, the process also sucks, if you get snagged, you can't get a trial in a real traffic court before a real judge, but some kind of kangaroo hearing that you have to pay for if you lose- and the citizen usually does lose. The companies are the real benefactors and they go nationwide to jurisdictions marketing their systems and the incentive they always cite more than any other is the potential revenue the systems can bring.