Shrimping Season Begins in Earnest
Some Cast-Netters Are Making Their Limit at the Green Cove Pier

Shrimp season has been underway for a while, but most of the action since August has been south of us, with the annual Atlantic white shrimp migration reaching all the way to Lake George. Then when they’ve fed (and have avoided being fed upon) and have grown up to four inches they begin to swim back down river to the sea.
Some years are better than others, of course. But there was a clue recently from Palatka that this year’s season was shaping up to be a good one. Florida Fish & Wildlife cited three shrimpers for possession of 10 gallons of shrimp over their limit. That can’t be too easy to accomplish unless it’s a pretty good year.

Shrimping from shore allows each person to harvest five gallons. These guys were caught with 25 gallons. (If you’re shrimping from a boat the limit is five gallons, regardless of how many people are on board.)