Aaron Bean Opening Local Office 16 Months After Being Elected
Local Officials Gathered En Masse To Marvel At Bean's Accomplishment

Aaron Bean began his term in Congress on January 3, 2023. Today, Bean celebrated the opening of a local office in Fleming Island. In admiration of this feat, the Clay County Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Bean and his local politician friends.
Superintendent David Broskie, State Senator Jennifer Bradley, School Board member Erin Skipper, County Commissioners Alexandra Compere, Jim Renninger, Kristen Thompson-Burke, and Mike Cella were all in attendance.
In the midst of the revelry, no one thought to ask why it took Congressman Bean 472 days to establish a place where the people who elected him could meet with him. Bean’s tenure in Congress appears to be sparse on accomplishments and heavy on photo opportunities as did his previous stint in the Florida Senate.
State Senator Jennifer Bradley and County Commissioner Jim Renninger spoke at Bean’s ribbon-cutting. Aaron Bean’s wife is the sister of former State Senator Rob Bradley. Does his name sound familiar? That’s because he’s the husband of current State Senator Jennifer Bradley.
Jim Renninger and the other politicians in attendance have all received campaign support and dollars from the many Bradley/Bean Political Action Committees (PACs) in the past. State Representative Sam Garrison is also connected to the PACs, as he is connected to the Bradleys via their Law Firm Bradley, Garrison, and Komando.
For years, it has been a well-known ‘secret’ that the Bradley family has used their political money and muscle to place candidates loyal to them in offices throughout Clay County. The Bradleys have backed candidates running for the Orange Park Town Council, Green Cove Springs City Council, School Board, County Commission, and more.
Clay News & Views spoke with several anonymous sources about the Bradleys' process for vetting candidates. When the Bradleys identify a candidate running for office as a possible new member of the ‘team,’ they request an in-person meeting.
At this meeting, the Bradleys offer support and funding for any future campaigns in exchange for playing ball on issues and votes. The few times candidates refused the Bradley “deal,” another candidate who accepted the Bradleys’ offer opposed them.
Via this amassing of influence, the Bradleys have managed to position Sam Garrison as the speaker of the Florida House of Representatives and propel Aaron Bean to Congress. As of yet, the political power of the Bradleys has done little for the middle and working class in Clay County, but maybe this newly leased office will help them accomplish something people might actually care about.
I just want to praise the way this article was written. Had me going for a minute. On the 3rd read I finally got hit on the head with the 2X4 and got it! But, then, I am pretty dense!
When will anyone be in the empty office of Aaron Bean? In Fleming Island Fl. Staff? Isn’t this the same as all the empty offices in D.C.? Blahahahaha..
Hypocrisy on full display.