St. Johns Threatens to Trash Its Contract with FCC Environmental Services
Clay Residents Threaten Fire and Brimstone...And Littering

St. Johns County, our neighbor across the river—named after that river—apparently did not have a great first impression with FCC Environmental Services, a solid waste curbside collection company which has recently expanded operations in the U.S.
According to Jacksonville Today, one St. Johns County commissioner described FCC’s first week in its seven-year contract as an “unmitigated disaster.”
St. Johns said FCC did not pick up curbside trash for over 2,000 households just days before Tropical Storm Debby rolled through, which forced St. Johns to mobilize its own staff workers to pick up the garbage FCC missed.
“I’m prepared to move forward, as—legally—as soon as possible, to terminate this agreement,” the St. Johns commissioner said, if FCC continues its trashy job picking up trash.
FCC also had a particularly disastrous service record in Polk County. After months of complaints, which numbered in the thousands, the county commissioners issued an ultimatum to FCC in 2022 that threatened to cut ties if service did not improve. FCC took the threat (of lost revenue) seriously and cleaned up its act—but only temporarily.
Polk declared a local state of emergency one month later.
FCC allegedly missed homes and whole neighborhoods regularly, often weeks at a time. Residents complained about maggots festering in the unemptied trashcans left along the curb. The disgusting sights and smells piled up along roadways, which the commissioners said constituted a public health crisis. FCC, eventually, made lasting improvements and its contract was renewed.
Clay County’s 10-year contract with FCC begins on Oct. 1.
Folks across Clay are already up in arms (metaphorically, for now) about the upcoming FCC contract—the higher rates, hidden fees and reduced services. Considering FCC’s lackluster rollout in St. Johns and other counties in Florida, the trouble for Clay might just heating up, with some residents saying they plan to burn their trash instead in protest.
Some residents have threatened to litter their trash into roadways, if that’s what it takes to encourage the Clay County Board of County Commissioners to sever the contract entirely.
Clay County needs to revoke the contract with FCC before 10/1/24. This Spanish company which is trying to get a foothold in the US waste management market has a poor track record for service in the counties who already have service contracts with them. The contract with Clay County more than doubles the cost of service. Recycling is eliminated and extra fees for service we now get for free. The County Commisioners need to be required to explain how they entered into such a bad deal for the residents of Clay County.
This is ludicrous. Why would we make such a contract with FCC? After due diligence this choice is an egregious error that needs investigating. Do better, Clay County.