Why Subscribe?

Clay News & Views was founded with a commitment to independent, local journalism. Our stories and podcast episodes are free of sponsors, advertisements, and paywalls. But free for our readers doesn’t mean there aren’t costs to produce our content.

Domain names, email addresses, and public records requests are just a few of the expenses Clay News & Views incurs in pursuing the stories we produce. By paying for a subscription, you are helping us increase our coverage.

Every time we receive from subscriptions will go towards the costs we incur and help us keep Clay News & Views advertisement and sponsor-free.

While our stories, podcasts, and future content will remain free, paid subscribers will have access to these exclusive benefits:

  • Once a month, paid subscribers online meeting.

    • Exclusive access to the Clay News & Views team, allowing paid subscribers to pitch content ideas and ask questions.

  • A full accounting of all money paid by Substack subscriptions and what that money was spent on presented at the monthly meeting.

  • Early access to pre-recorded podcast episodes.

  • Access to paid subscribers Substack chat.

  • Paid subscribers will be credited in each podcast episode and live stream.

  • Pre-release access and discounted prices for Clay News & Views merch (coming soon).